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Internet Update--

After finally resorting to a fresh re-install of windows I got my internet to work! As stubborn as I am, I couldn't stand being without my precious internet (yes I know I'm addicted. Shut up) any longer. I re-installed Windows XP Pro, installed the LinkSys (router/network card company) software, closed my eyes and said a silent prayer, then clicked on, "Internet Explorer."

Glad to say, I visited MSN.com!

So the good news is, I have internet again.

The bad news however, is.... a much longer list.

  1. All my settings are gone. After all, I did just re-install windows. :P
  2. My modified explorer.exe is gone. I'll have to re-do that entire thing (I would have backed it up, but if the problem was in the explorer itself, then I'd have backed up the problem).
  3. All my MSN/WLM Mods are gone. I'll have to re-modify those, re-install all the addons/plugins, and all that jazz. Plus, I forgot to back up my own MSN booter I made, seeing how it was a plugin like thing... :( I guess I'll re-write that...
  4. My custom theme is gone... probably should have backed that up as a .theme file (or whatever it is) but all well, I have all the files for it... so no major loss. :P
  5. My boot screen... that's gone as well. :P That'll be no biggie though. When my computer started up, I was wondering wtf, because I could hardly remember that standard boot screen. lol. All black and plain and ugly. :P
  6. My log on screen's back to the default too, but that's OK because I'm the only one who uses my computer, so nobody ever sees it anyways. :P
  7. A few things were just being gay and wouldn't backup. For instance, the hack I promised jade141180 wouldn't back up (don't ask why, they just wouldn't) along with a few pictures and just weird stuff.
  8. Now that I have everything backed up onto my 30GB iPod, I'll have to re-organize everything, and I'll have to import each song back into the iTunes Library. Importing the song's is going to be a pain, because (you can import by folder but) I'd have to import each album's folder separately. Too bad I can't click, "import folder" then select the G:\ Drive. That'd be easier.

Then one of the biggest bads about formating, is my bookmarks. I just couldn't figure out how to save the bookmarks off FireFox (well, one bad thing 'bout FireFox. It's a pain to figure out how to export your bookmarks). A bit after I started formatting, I was talking to a friend and then he told me how to export your FireFox bookmarks.
I was pretty pissed.
It doesn't matter too much though, I don't think there was anything too important in there...

So now that my internet's working, I'm free to work on hacks and fun programs more often, I'll be available on MSN for help/chat more often, visit messblack, check my e-mails, and blog at will.

With that last sentence said, the list of 'bads' doesn't seem all that terrible at all. It all makes up for it, and most of those are just settings, which can be replaced. ^_^

Ahhh... It feels good to be back. ^_^


you should have taken a backup.it really saves me in cases of such incidents.

lol, I just talked to you 'bout it on MSN. :P

Tee hee, I just use Google Bookmarks for all my bookmarking needs. Web based, Windows reinstall-proof bookmarks accessible wherever you go. Gotta love it. :P

Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks > File > Export

For next time =p

lol thanks.

I found that out later. XD

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